Mission and Vision


Our mission as Christian educators is to help our students reach their full potential as educated citizens and worldwide servant-leaders. 


We will be the Christian liberal arts-based university of choice in the Southeast for education and service. 


Carson-Newman University is a Christian, liberal arts-based University, built upon the Lordship of Jesus Christ as evidenced historically and revealed in the Scriptures and affiliated with the Tennessee Baptist Convention. Carson-Newman is committed to providing a Christ-centered educational experience that is dedicated to expressing Truth, Beauty and Goodness in service to the Appalachian region and beyond as an extension of the Kingdom-focused ministry of the Church.

Statement of Faith

Carson-Newman is grateful for its partnership with churches of the Tennessee Baptist Convention. Their faithful prayers, support, encouragement have been instrumental to the University’s ability to offer a distinctively Christ-centered education. In acknowledgement of this investment by Tennessee Baptists and in support of the rich confessions that identify Southern Baptists, C-N’s Board of Trustees has affirmed the Baptist Faith and Message 2000. This confessional statement provides an invaluable connection to our Baptist heritage and doctrinal identity.

Carson-Newman is grateful for its Baptist partners, unapologetic in its biblical conviction and unashamedly Christ-centered. Click here to read the Baptist Faith & Message 2000.

Truth, Beauty & Goodness

From the earliest dawn of recorded time, man has been known to love the True, the Beautiful and the Good. The ideals of Carson-Newman — truth, beauty and goodness — are abiding principles. They were not adopted for a day but for eternity. Times may change; man’s social, economic and political status may be altered; but these yearning of just men continue forever.

Truth is power. “Ye shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free.” Truth will free people from the clutches of filth and disease. Truth will free us from the bondage of superstition, prejudice, envy and hate that have so long held mankind in slavery.

Beauty is perfection. Perfection of the physical body, of an idea, of an ideal. Beauty is produced by correct proportions and harmony of parts. A beautiful life is emotionally stable and well balanced. Conduct is in harmony with that which society has proven to be good for all.

Goodness is a positive word. The person who best represents this part of the ideal will be satisfied with nothing less than the best he can do. This person will develop physical strength and ability, habits of temperance and healthful living. He/she will be a mature Christian, who will feel the call to civic duty without thought of pay or hope of reward.

Truth, Beauty and Goodness unite to form the perfect ideal of Carson-Newman University and to challenge all who would aspire to greatness. – D Harley Fite

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